Strengthening immunisation systems and introduction of hepatitis B vaccine in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States, 3rd meeting, Kyiv, Ukraine, May 25-28, 2004

Overall Goal:
Contribute towards a sustainable progress of public health in the CEE and NIS region by sharing experiences and knowledge that will help to reinforce the current vaccination programmes and facilitate the introduction of future vaccines

Objectives of the meeting:
1) Provide participants with an overview of the current epidemiological situation of viral hepatitis infection worldwide and in the European Region of the World Health Organization (WHO)
2) Provide participants with an overview of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), the Vaccine Fund (VF) and related activities in the WHO European Region
3) Provide an overview of the current status of hepatitis B vaccination globally and in the WHO European Region
4) Discuss financial sustainability issues of hepatitis B vaccination in GAVI and non-GAVI countries and share country experience
5) Discuss status and options of vaccine procurement for non-GAVI countries in Central and Eastern Europe and the NIS
6) Review safety of vaccines, including hepatitis B vaccines, and vaccination and how to communicate on these topics
7) Discuss transition issues with the availability of monovalent and combined vaccines
8) Discuss the roles of various partner agencies and organisations in vaccination programmes

Planned achievements of the meeting:
- an update on the current situation and issues in the participating countries in terms of hepatitis B epidemiology and hepatitis B vaccination programmes
- a better understanding of the safety issues of hepatitis B vaccines and vaccination programmes at country level
- a better understanding of the financial sustainability of hepatitis B vaccines at country level

Tuesday, 25 May 2004

Session 1: Opening session
Chair: André Meheus, Tore Godal,

18.00-19.00 Welcome by:

Olga Lapushenko, Ministry of Health, Ukraine
Nedret Emiroglu,
Dragoslav Popovic,
Mark Kane,
Children’s Vaccine Program

Review of the objectives of the meeting and technical introduction


Wednesday, 26 May 2004

Session 2 : General Introduction
Chair: Hal Margolis, Olga Lapushenko

09.00-09.20 Global Epidemiology and prevention of hepatitis B  (pdf, 781 Kb) Steven Wiersma, WHO

09.20-09.40 Overview of GAVI and the Vaccine Fund (pdf, 1103 Kb) Tore Godal, GAVI 

09.40-10.00 GAVI in the WHO European Region: results, current situation, and future (pdf, 1290 Kb) Andrei Lobanov, WHO 

10.00-10.30 Coffee break

Session 3: Epidemiology and prevention of viral hepatitis and Haemophilus influenzae type b
Chair: Mark Kane, Vladimir Davidiants

10.30-11.00 Epidemiology of hepatitis B and vaccination programmes in the WHO European Region  (pdf, 2223 Kb) Nedret Emiroglu, WHO

11.00-11.30 Hepatitis C epidemiology in CEE and NIS countries (pdf, 346 Kb) Hal Margolis, CDC 

11.30-12.00 HBV, HCV, and HIV integrated programmes (pdf, 858 Kb) Michael Favorov, CDC 

12.00-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-14.30 Burden of disease of Haemophilus influenzae type b in the WHO European Region (pdf, 725 Kb) Andrei Lobanov, WHO 

Session 4: Country experiences: hepatitis B Prevention strategies and programme evaluation
Chair: Steven Wiersma, Ljubomir Kumanov

14.30-14.50 Introduction of a newborn hepatitis B immunisation programme in Turkey  (pdf, 281 Kb) Ebru Usta and Selim Badur, Turkey

14.50-15.10 Achievements with newborn and catch up hepatitis B immunisation programme in Kazakhstan (pdf, 377 Kb) Tatiana Surdina, Kazakhstan 

15.10-15.30 Assessment of implementation of the hepatitis B prevention programme in Georgia (pdf, 166 Kb) Lia Dzhabidze, Georgia 

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-16.20 Evaluation of hepatitis B prevention strategies in the Russian Federation  (pdf, 257 Kb) Marina Shevyreva, Russian Federation

16.20-16.40 Experience with sentinel surveillance in Kyrgyzstan (pdf, 380 Kb) Rafik Usmanov, Kyrgyzstan 

16.40-17.00 Acute Viral Hepatitis Surveillance for Hepatitis B Vaccine Evaluation Program (ppt, 161 Kb) Liudmila Mosin, CDC 


Thursday, 27 May 2004

Session 5 : Safety issues
Chair: Paolo Bonanni, Ramaz Urushadze

09.00-09.20 Safety and quality of hepatitis B vaccines: Frequently asked questions in the WHO European Region (pdf, 515 Kb) Philippe Duclos, WHO 

09.20-09.40 The importance of communication on immunisation safety (pdf, 499 Kb) Dragoslav Popovic, UNICEF 

09.40-10.00 Injection safety of immunisation in the WHO European Region (pdf, 1096 Kb) Denis Maire, WHO 

10.00-10.15 Blood safety in Central Asia Region (pdf, 664 Kb) Aliya Jumagulova, CDC 

10.15-10.30 Safe sharps waste collection and management in Samarkand, Uzbekistan (pdf, 1395 Kb) Erkin Musabaev, Uzbekistan 

10.30-11.00 Discussions

11.00-11.30 Coffee break

Session 6: Strengthening immunisation systems: procurement and financing
Chair: Andrei Lobanov, Ludmila Shteinke

11.30-11.50 Vaccine supply in CEE and NIS (pdf, 949 Kb), Katinka Aanjesen, UNICEF

11.50-11.55 Vaccine procurement European Perspectives (pdf, 198 Kb)  Denis Maire, WHO 

11.50-12.10 Potential role of group procurement in the WHO European Region (pdf, 262 Kb) Alan Brooks, CVP/PATH 

12.10-12.30 Discussions

12.30-14.00 LUNCH

14.00-14.20 Financial sustainability planning (pdf, 173 Kb) Viktor Galyada, CVP/PATH 

14.20-14.35 Financial sustainability planning of Uzbekistan (pdf, 217 Kb) Dilorom Tursunova, Uzbekistan 

14.35-14.50 e-learning resource to strengthen financial planning of immunization (ppt, 494 Kb) Alan Brooks, CVP/PATH 

14.50-15.10 Discussions

15.10-15.30 Coffee break

Session 7A: Technical Workshop: How to monitor and evaluate hepatitis B immunisation programmes and to set surveillance targets
Moderators: Susan Goldstein, Sergei Deshevoi, Steven Wiersma

15.30-15.55 Overview of methods to evaluate the impact hepatitis B immunization programs (pdf, 354 Kb) Susan Goldstein, CDC 

15.55-16.20 Practical aspects of conducting acute disease surveillance Rafik Usmanov, Kyrgyzstan 

16.20-16.45 Laboratory aspects of acute disease surveillance and the need for QA/QC (pdf, 354 Kb) Tatiana Kalashnikova, CDC 

16.45-17.10 Protocol to conduct serologic surveys  Luidmila Mosina, CDC 

17.10- 17.35 WHO protocol for serologic surveillance (pdf, 104 Kb) Steven Wiersma, WHO 

17.35-18.00 Open Discussion

Session 7B : Technical Workshop: hepatitis B vaccines
Moderators: Daniel Lavanchy, Wolfgang Jilg, Paolo Bonanni,

15.30-15.40 Introduction

15.40-16.00 Birth dose: what is possible in view of other vaccines, combined vaccines, etc Reflections on schedules, dosage, vaccines and inter-changeability of hepatitis B vaccines (pdf, 224 Kb) Pierre Van Damme, VHPB 

16.00-16.30 Duration of protection after hepatitis B vaccination: current status (pdf, 194 Kb) Wolfgang Jilg, VHPB 

16.30-16.45 Current experience in Italy (pdf, 328 Kb) Paolo Bonanni, VHPB 

16.45-17.00 Review of current recommendations regarding booster vaccination (pdf, 202 Kb) Daniel Lavanchy, WHO 

17.00-17.30 Country experience on current vaccination policy: booster, schedules, vaccine, doses, etc.:

Workshop discussion with country participants

17.30-17.50 Pre- and post-vaccination testing and the issue of non-responders (pdf, 153 Kb) Fransisco Averhoff, CDC 

17.50-18.00 Final open questions and answers to facilitators/ conclusions

Session 7c: Technical Workshop: How to manage a vaccine safety crisis in your country: what to do, what to avoid? (advocacy, social mobilization)
Moderators: Dragoslav Popovic, Philippe Duclos

15.30-15.45 Introduction of participants, objectives of the workshop, agenda

15.45-15.55 Why and how to deal with media?

15.55-16.35 Press Conference: Role play

16.35-17.20 Case studies: Response to safety crisis and development of a checklist on "crisis management" Group Work

17.20-17.40 Rapport from the working groups/discussion

17.40-18.00 How to access major sources in communication for immunization/Discussion

Session 7d: GAVI Workshop: Financial sustainability plans (FSP)
Moderators: Andrei Lobanov, Viktor Galyada, Alan Brooks

15.30-15.45 Introduction

15.45-16.25 Countries briefly describe the development process

16.25-16.40 Implementation of FSP in Kyrgyzstan (pdf, 290 Kb) Ludmila Shteinke, Kyrgyztan 

16.40-17.15 Countries describe what is being done to maintain rolling financial planning for immunization, including implement strategies in the FSP

17.15-17.45 Getting the 2004 process started

17.45-18.00 Final open questions and answers to facilitators or other countries


Friday, 28 May 2004

Session 8 : Feedback of the workshops
Chair: Nedret Emiroglu, Dragoslav Popovic

09.00-09.15 Feedback on workshop 7A: How to monitoring and evaluate hepatitis B immunisation programmes and set surveillance targets (pdf, 87 Kb)

09.15-09.25 Discussion

09.25-09.40 Feedback on workshop 7B: Technical aspects of hepatitis B vaccines (pdf, 220 Kb)

09.40-09.50 Discussion

09.50-10.05 Feedback on workshop 7C: How to manage a vaccine safety crisis in your country (pdf, 180 Kb)

10.05-10.15 Discussion

10.15-10.30 Feedback on workshop 7D: Financial sustainability plans (pdf, 71 Kb)

10.30-10.40 Discussion

10.40-11.10 Coffee break

Session 9: Conclusions of the Meeting and Closing Remarks
Chair: Nedret Emiroglu, Dragoslav Popovic

11.10-12.00 Conclusions and summary of the meeting  (pdf, 145 Kb) Alexandra Levitt