News - Meeting of the International Task Force for Disease Eradication, June 2017

The meeting report of the International Task Force for Disease Eradication to discuss viral hepatitis elimination was published in the September 15th issue of the WHO weekly epidemiological record (WER). The report details:

  • information presented and discussed at the meeting 
  • ITFDE endorsement of the WHO elimination goals for hepatitis B and hepatitis C
  • ITFDE recommendations for activities (underway and new actionable ideas) to accelerate progress toward viral hepatitis elimination

News - Prevention as an essential part of elimination: Norway and the United Kingdom have recently become the latest countries in the WHO European Region to add hepatitis B vaccination to their routine immunization schedules

Eliminating the threat of HBV infection requires a comprehensive approach that includes prevention of infections acquired immediately before and after birth and during childhood, as well as during adolescence and adulthood. Norway and the United Kingdom have recently become the latest countries in the WHO European Region to add hepatitis B vaccination to their routine immunization schedules: Norway has offered the vaccine since February 2017 and the United Kingdom will provide a hexavalent vaccine, including hepatitis B, at age 2 months for children born after 1 August 2017. With these two additional countries offering population-wide protection against the virus, the Region is one step closer to its goal of controlling HBV infection, as established in the European Vaccine Action Plan 2015–2020. More info
