
  • The Hepatitis B Foundation is a US based nonprofit organization dedicated to finding a cure and improving the quality of life for people affected by hepatitis B globally. Their activities include funding focused research, promoting disease awareness, supporting immunization and treatment initiatives. They also provide information to patients and their families, the medical and scientific community, and the general public.
  • In 2013, the Correlation Network (CN) established the ‘Hepatitis C Initiative’ with financial support of the European Union Drug Prevention and Information programme (DPIP) the first pan European collaboration on HCV and drug use. In 2015, CN received funds from GILEAD and Abbvie to maintain the Initiative and to launch certain activities.
  • Prevention of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and HIV-1 Co-Infections is a collaborative project financed by the EC Framework Programme 7. The goal of the PEACHI project is to develop simple, affordable and effective vaccine strategies that can be given alone or in combination to prevent hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and co-infection.
  • An extensive resource for information on the several forms of viral hepatitis can be found at CDC’s Hepatitis Branch at the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention  (NCHHSTP)General information on hepatitis B and hepatitis B vaccine can further be found at WHO’s Vaccines and Immunization page, and on WHO’s page on hepatitis.
  • The IAC’s Ask the Expert about hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis Foundation International(HFI) focuses on bringing viral hepatitis under control through education programs and materials, informing health professionals, and educating patients and the public about new diagnostic and treatment methods to improve patient care.
  • American Liver Foundation (ALF) is a national, voluntary non-profit health agency dedicated to preventing, treating and curing hepatitis and all liver diseases through research, education and support groups.
  • CDC- know hepatitis B a national communications campaign promoting Hepatitis B testing among Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs).  
  • Current research and news updates on all aspects of Hepatitis C, HIV/HCV Coinfection and corresponding liver health.
  • The Hepatitis Education Project aims to support people living with viral hepatitis and increase awareness about the disease through education and advocacy.(patient information).
  • ViralEd provides high quality programs on hepatitis for medical professionals. 
  • Hepscreen: screening for hepatitis B and C among migrants in the European union.The overall objective of this Euorpean project is to assess, describe and communicate to public health professionals the tools and conditions necessary for implementing successful screening programmes for hepatitis B and C in migrants in the European Union.
  • The Euro Hepatitis Index designed by ELPA and health consumer power house, makes a comprehensive diagnosis of 30 European countries with regard to the capacity to handle the hepatitis threat.

Recommendations – Guidelines


  • ACHIEVE – Associations collaborating on hepatitis to immunize and eliminate the viruses in Europe.
  • ELPA – European Liver Patients Association. ELPA’s mission is to raise awareness about Liver Disease and in particular Hepatitis. 
  • WHA – World Hepatitis Alliance is a global voice for the 500 million people worldwide living with chronic viral hepatitis.
  • EASL– European Association of the Study of the Liver. 


  • World Health Organization (WHO) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe
  • European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC).
  • CDC: The U.S. Centres for Disease Control  is committed to the prevention and control of traditional, new and re-emerging infectious diseases in the United States and around the world.
  • PATH: is an international nonprofit organization that transforms global health through innovation. Our approach blends the entrepreneurial spirit of business, the scientific expertise of a research institution, and the passion and on-the-ground experience of an international NGO.
  • Gates Foundation We work to help all people lead healthy, productive lives, focused on health, poverty, and opportunity.
  • UNICEF. United Nation Children’s Fund works in over 190 countries and territories to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through adolescence.


  • GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance Saving children’s lives and protecting people’s health by increasing access to immunization in poor countries.
  • Immunization Action Coalition (IAC).
  • International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) is a professional group devoted to safe and healthy travel.
  • International Vaccine Institute (IVI), is an international organization established at the initiative of the United Nations Development Programme headquartered in Seoul and dedicated to bringing new vaccines to developing countries through research, development and capacity building.
  • Vaccine Ambassadors
  • Vaccines Europe represents all the major vaccine companies operating in Europe. Is the specialised vaccines group within the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA), the professional association of the pharmaceutical industry in Europe.


  • World Health Organization ‘s pages on Immunisation, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB): Topics covered on the site are: immunization standards; vaccine research and development; immunization financing, supply and procurement; immunization safety; immunization service delivery and accelerated disease control; and immunization surveillance, assessment and monitoring.
  • World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe: Computerized Information System for Infectious Diseases (CISID)This is WHO/Europe’s portal to health statistics and to detailed monitoring and assessment tools for key areas of health policy. This link provides access to a broad range of information systems: from international comparisons of aggregate indicators to the results of detailed disease surveillance and the monitoring of specialized areas of health policy. Users can browse the information online and present and analyse it in different formats (in tables, graphs and/or maps). Including epidemiology, vaccination schedule and vaccination coverage.
  • WHO vaccine-preventable diseases: monitoring system. 2014 global summary.
  • WHO international travel and health
  • The Division of Vaccines and Immunisation (PAHO) of the Pan American Health Organisation , grown out from the former Special Program on Vaccines and Immunisation, will work towards improving the criteria for the adoption of policies governing immunisation programs, and the development and production of high quality vaccines in the Region.
  • European Immunization week (ECDC)
  • European Immunization week (WHO)
  • ECDC Vaccine Scheduler  
  • EUVAC.NET: A surveillance Community network for vaccine-preventable infectious diseases by ECDC.
  • Venice II Vaccine European New Integrated Collaboration Effort.The general objectives are to collect, share and disseminate information on national vaccination programmes through a network of professionals working in the field of vaccination; and to provide information useful to build up methodologies and provide guidance for improving the overall performance of the immunisation systems in the EU/EEA Member States.
  • CDC Vaccines and immunization  is a part of the CDC with as major objectives: maximum immunization coverage in all populations, establish effective partnerships, conduct reliable scientific research, implement immunization systems and ensure vaccine safety. They have a special programme for children Vaccines for Children (VFP).
  • CDC Travel Information: Reference material for international travel, including vaccine recommendations for travel to various countries.
  • National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO) is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), and carries out the objectives of the National Vaccine Plan. This site contains information about vaccine preventable diseases, vaccine safety, vaccine coverage, immunization laws, and immunization registries.
  • The National Network for Immunization Information (NNii) provides up-to-date, science-based information to healthcare professionals, the media, and the public: everyone who needs to know the facts about vaccines and immunization.
  • The Immunization Action Coalition (IAC) promotes physician, community, and family awareness of, and responsibility for, appropriate immunization of all children and adults against all vaccine-preventable diseases. This site has a wealth of education materials, including vaccination information sheets in many languages.
  • Eurosurveillance is an open-access peer-reviewed journal about infectious diseases surveillance prevention and control in Europe.
  • Vaccine Education Center from the children’s hospital of Philadelphia.

Vaccine safety network

The VHPB website is part of the WHO vaccine safety net.

The Vaccine Safety Net is a global network of websites, established by the World Health Organization, that provides reliable information on vaccine safety. The website holds a list of websites that meet the credibility and content criteria of the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS).

Vaccine safety